I'm your herbal practitioner

Together, let's empower your health
with plant-based medicine

Do you need support with your wellbeing?

Feeling fatigued or anxious?
Hormone imbalance getting in the way of life?
Concerned about gut health - bloating, indigestion, IBS?

Sam's journey to becoming an Herbalist and Naturopath

I am a qualified Herbalist and Naturopath, qualifying from The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. Integrating this with my knowledge and experience in the field of Analytical Chemistry provides a strong scientific foundation to my practice.  

I believe in working holistically with my clients to discover the root cause of their presenting conditions, using techniques such as pulse and tongue diagnostics as well as studying the irises (iridology). Areas of expertise include hormonal health, post viral fatigue, digestive health and anxiety.

I have a passion for empowering and educating clients, supporting their journey to wellbeing.

Almost one-quarter of pharmaceutical drugs are derived from botanicals e.g. aspirin from willow; levodopa for Parkinson’s from broad beans; digoxin from digitalis to name a few.