I have answered a few frequently asked questions below:

Q: What exactly is herbal medicine and how does it work?

A: Herbal medicine has been used worldwide for millennia and is still used by 80% of world’s population. Today Herbalists combine the traditional teachings of herbs with modern scientific research to offer bespoke help that assists in restoring their patients’ health.

Herbal medicine is a combination of Western, Indian (Ayurveda) and Chinese (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that forms the basis of treatment. By asking a series of questions during the consultation and using pulse, tongue and iris diagnostics (iridology), the constitutional type of the person can be determined and used to identify what areas need to brought back into balance.  Bach Flower Remedies, Homeobotanicals (herbs used in homeopathic doses) and Tissue Salts may also be included in the treatment plan.

Q: What is ‘constitution type’ and ‘balance’?

A: The human constitution is like our fingerprint and has been researched in medicine for a long time. Hippocrates (& then Galen) suggested four types – Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Choleric – which psychologists used in the twentieth century to analyse personality types.

Ayurveda identifies three types of energy – vata, pitta & kapha – that are present in everyone and everything.  These principles are applied to the biology of the human body – vata is the energy of movement, pitta is the energy of digestion and metabolism, kapha is the energy of lubrication and structure.

Our individual constitution is determined at conception and can help us understand conditions we may be susceptible to and take lifestyle steps to keep us in balance.

Administration of herbal formulas:

What is a tincture?
Concentrated herbal extracts made by soaking the dried herb in an alcohol/water mix to extract the active constituents in the plant.

What is a tea?
Dried parts of the plant which are infused or decocted (boiled) in water.

What is a powder?
Dried herbs are ground to powder and usually mixed with water or added to smoothies.

Q: How do we end up out of balance?

A: Many factors, both internal and external, can disturb our constitutional balance moving us away from our constitutional type, often creating physical symptoms. These factors can include emotional and physical stresses, diet, food choices, weather, relationships…the list goes on.

Your tongue, pulse and irises can help determine constitutional type and what may be out of balance, enabling a bespoke herbal remedy and naturopathic advice to be tailored specifically for you.

Q: What conditions can herbal medicine help with?


  • Post viral fatigue
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Skin conditions
  • PMT
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • PCOS
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Low immunity
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • High blood pressure
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Digestive conditions
  • IBS
  • UTIs
  • And a range of other complaints

Q: What happens during a consultation?

A: A detailed case history will be taken in the first consultation including current symptoms, family medical history, lifestyle, diet and a review of all systems of the body through targeted questions. An examination of your eyes (iridology), tongue and pulses will be used to create bespoke herbal remedies for you as well as lifestyle, dietary and naturopathic advice.

In the follow up consultations, we will review progress and adjust protocols and remedies if required.

Q: What is the cost of a consultation?

A: The 90 day Empower package is £1450 and includes 4 hours of 121 consultations, all the herbal remedies and postage (via Royal Mail 24 hour tracked within the UK), all relevant advice, protocols and resources.

Monthly payment plans are available.

Use the discount code Empower10 when paying in full to receive 10% off the total price.

The discount code is not available for payment plans

Q: How can I be sure any advice and guidance given, along with medicines you provide are safe for me?

A: It is important to disclose any other medications and supplements you are taking to your practitioner so interactions and contraindications with herbs can be checked.

Q: Is it safe to take herbal medicine during pregnancy?

A: Not all remedies and supplements can be taken during pregnancy, a qualified practitioner is trained to know what is safe to use and what should be avoided. However, there are many herbal remedies that can be safely used to help with complaints such as morning sickness, haemorrhoids, tiredness, indigestion.

Q: How long will it take to see results?

A: There is no definitive answer as it will depend on the individual. Once a full case history has been taken in the consultation an estimated guideline may be able to be given. Herbal medicine can take longer to achieve desired outcome in chronic conditions whilst we work to address the root cause and therefore usually produces more permanent results. In acute conditions, results can often be observed in a few hours or days.

Q: Should I tell my doctor I am taking herbal medicines?

A: It is important that all healthcare providers responsible for your care are fully informed about the herbs, supplements and drugs you are taking, to avoid any herb/drug/supplement interactions.  Information will be provided on request and, with your permission, will liaise with any of your healthcare providers.

Q: Can I take herbal medicines alongside prescribed medication?

A: Often herbs and pharmaceutical medications work well together. However, in some circumstances there can be negative interactions and would not be included in your formula. The beauty of herbs is that there is often an alternative herb with the same actions that can be used instead.

I am a member of the professional bodies the Association of Master Herbalists and the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners and abide by their codes of conduct. The wellbeing and safety of my clients is paramount to my approach. Checks will be made to ensure the herbs administered are compatible with any medications being taken. Herbal medicine, as with any medication, can cause different reactions from person to person therefore if you have ANY concerns please contact me directly.

Ready to book a consultation?